Player Welfare

Make sure you and your children are aware of our welfare officers & safe guarding information
The BPFC Welfare officers are Chris Lawrence ([email protected]) and Claire Croucher ([email protected]). Chris is also the manager of the under 15’s so is often training at the rec on a Saturday morning and Claire runs the cafe so many of you will have already met her.
We would like parents to be made aware that BPFC have two welfare officers available should they want to discuss a concern they feel they cannot share with the manager/coach. This also goes for the players – the welfare officers at the club are there for the players to come to directly should they not feel able to talk to a parent/carer or another adult and it doesn’t have to be football related.
The FA want to ensure that both parents and children know there is a support network and it is easily accessible.
For information here is a link to the FA safeguarding page for information: